= Contact the VSO = There are a number of ways to contact the VSO. The most immediate way is via group email: {{{ #!html help@virtualsolar.org }}} You can also use the two google groups [http://groups.google.com/group/vso-api] and [http://groups.google.com/group/vso-idl] to ask questions or suggestions. You are also invited to our facebook VSO page [http://www.facebook.com/pages/Virtual-Solar-Observatory/167347186639817 Facebook VSO], where you can make questions, comments and see the latest about data status and development. You can also contact the various team members directly: == Georgia State University == * [http://www.astro.gsu.edu/~martens/ Piet Martens], Project Scientist == Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics == * Alisdair Davey, !Scientist/Programmer/Analyst == National Solar Observatory, NOAO == * [http://www.nso.edu/staff/hill Frank Hill], Project Scientist * Niles Oien, !Programmer/Analyst == Solar Data Analysis Center, NASA/Goddard == * [http://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/newsite/jbg.html Joe Gurman], Project Scientist '''(Primary Science Contact)''' * [wiki:People/JoeHourcle Joe Hourclé], !Programmer/Analyst '''(Primary Technical Contact)''' * Jennifer Spencer, DBA/Programmer) == Stanford Helioseismology Archive == * [http://rick.stanford.edu/~rick/rick.html Rick Bogart], Project Scientist This list does not include the many other people who have worked on this project.