= Latest VSO News = 19-Oct-2022:: The STEREO S/WAVES data production is moving from GSFC to U. Minn. See https://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/new.shtml. Currently no new S/WAVES data after Oct 5th 2022 is available. In addition the file layout and filenames have changed at GSFC, and the VSO is in the process of catching up with this changes. 13-Oct-2022:: Encounter 12 data for PSP/WISPR is now available in the VSO. 04-Aug-2022:: There is an issue downloading SDO data to the JSOC at the moment. This is resulting in delays in serving out the most recent SDO data. 27-July-2022:: SDO data at the SDAC will be unavailable due to server maintenance from 12-5 Eastern Daylight Time, 28 July 2022. Data should continue to be available via the NSO VSO server though. 18-July-2022:: PSP WISPR Encounter 11 data is now available via the VSO :) 24-June-2022:: '''Power outage at the JSOC.''' Latest update from the JSOC. "Due to a lengthy power outage, most data services were interrupted at 19:30 UTC on Tuesday, June 21. We are starting to bring services back online today (June 27). We expect full restoration by the end of the week (July 2)." 24-June 2022:: '''Power outage at the JSOC.''' Latest update from JSOC - "As a result of a loss of power, the JSOC data service has been down since 19:30 UTC on June 21. We do not expect full JSOC functions to be available until after Monday 27 June." 16-June-2022:: * Unfortunately we have a disk issue at SDAC which is currently stopping VSO from serving AIA data. * [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Updated 06/16/22 15:47 MDT - Issue have been fixed)]] 10-June-2022:: * AIA NRT data is currently unavailable due to an issue at JSOC. * [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Updated 06/20/22 17:17 MDT - Issue have been fixed)]] 25-April-2022:: * PSP/WISPR Encounter 10 data now available in the VSO (12K+ files/47Gb). 25-Jan-2022:: * VSO now has available the PSP/WISPR data for Encounters 6-8! * Encounters 6-8 total 39,897 files and 156.85 Gb. * Encounter 9 data will be available in March 2022. * We have new hardware in place that will enable us to roll out new WISPR data much more easily! 29-Nov-2021:: We are pleased to announce the availability of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research's SUNRISE1 and SUNRISE2 ballon flight data via the VSO. More information on SUNRISE can be found at https://www2.mps.mpg.de/en/projekte/sunrise/. [[Image(https://www2.mps.mpg.de/images/projekte/sunrise/sunrise_xl.jpg)]] 27-Oct-2021:: The problem of status code 500 being returned by the VSO due to not finding aia_synoptic2 is fixed. Queries for AIA science data from 2011 should return the expected data. Just a reminder that AIA NRT data is only available from 2012. 26-Oct-2021:: The secure certificate issues at SDAC have been fixed!!! We are aware of an additional issue affecting AIA data which leads to the error {{{ "JSOC : VSO-C500 :soap:Server : ERROR: relation "vso.aia_synoptic2" does not exist" }}} We are working hard on getting this issue sorted now. 20-Oct-2021:: We continue to have LetsEncrypt certificate issues at SDAC which is effecting SSW/IDL downloads for data providers such as STEREO, SDO, SOHO etc. While we try to fix the problem there is a work around for IDL users. (SunPy should be working again now) {{{ Define the following shell variable: In csh or tcsh : setenv VSO_SERVER http://netdrms02.nispdc.nso.edu/cgi/vsoi_tabdelim or in bash export VSO_SERVER=http://netdrms02.nispdc.nso.edu/cgi/vsoi_tabdelim }}} Then start up SSW as usual and execute your query. 08-Aug-2021:: The latest LASCO data available from the SDAC is 03/14/2021. This should be updated by next week. 15-Jul-2020:: The Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) is pleased to announce that the following data are now available via VSO clients. * FOXSI – data from the three FOXSI rocket flights. * PSP/WISPR Encounter 3 data. Note that data from previous encounters are also available. * SDO/EVE Level 2b. * INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania (OACT). Data from the Barra Equatoriale Continuum and H-alpha Instruments and the Cooke Refractor * GOES 17 SUVI Level 1b * KSO white light, Ca II and H-alpha, with some data sets going back to 1973. Thanks to our institutional partners for working with the VSO team to make these data available.\\ 18-Mar-2019:: Currently Unavailable Instruments - Updated * CLIMSO (OMP) - an updated data provider is being tested and CLIMSO data should be available again in a few days. * SoHO/MDI (Stanford) - Should be available again shortly. * Hinode/SOT (SDAC) - Should be available again shortly. * Chrotel (KIS) - archive is being redone. Should be available again the end of April, 2019. * OBSPM (Nançay) - this data is being actively worked on and should be back in production in a couple of weeks. * HANET (BBSO) - H-alpha net is currently down following updates by NJIT/BBSO folks. All the H-alpha data from Kanzelhoehe (KSO) is fully available through a separate data provider. This is being actively worked on with NJIT/BBSO. * SFO (Stanford) - No ETA on returning this data provider to production. * OVRO (Stanford) - No ETA on returning this data provider to production. * GOES-12 (NGDC) - No ETA on returning this data provider to production. 15-Mar-2019:: There are issues this morning with the VSO at Stanford. They are affecting the availability of SoHO/MDI data. MDI datasets contain 60s Full-Disk Dopplergrams, 96m Full-Disk Magnetograms, and 6h Full-Disk Continuum average are available from the SDAC data provider. We will update when these issues are resolved.\\ 14-Mar-2019:: Just a reminder to folks using older versions of IDL (Pre 8.3 - Jan 2014). These versions do not support HTTPS. NASA has a mandated required to use HTTPS which means all files at the SDAC are routed to HTTPS. Earlier IDL versions will not be able to download these files. If you are wanting to download SDO data you can force the VSO to use NSO to deliver the files to you (via HTTP) by using {{{ IDL> b = vso_get(a, site='NSO') }}} Mar-8-2019:: KIS/ChroTel data is not currently available from the VSO. The ChroTel archive is currently being overhauled and a new archive should be online by the end of April 19. Mar-5-2019:: We have recovered the Mt Wilson Ca II K archive data. The digitized fits files are now available again from NSO. This covers data from 1915-1985. We are working on updating the documentation, which should be done shortly.