Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 06/12/13 14:53:59

Describing Relationships Between Data

Presentations by Joe Hourclé on relationships between data and the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. For those that are slide presentations, turn on presenter notes.

  • 2007, "FRBR in a Scientific Data Context"; poster at Science Archives in the 21st Century, an early attempt to explain FRBR and apply it to scientific data. (doesn't quite work as a PDF, as there was a flip chart originally).
  • 2008, "Reconciling Heterogeneous Data Catalogs"; a presentation for the International Council for Science's Committee on Data for Science & Technology (CODATA) meeting, explaining the problems with the current generation of federated search systems. The presentation was done on short notice as I thought I was to present a poster.
  • 2011, "FRBR Aggregates as Collections"; a presentation to the code4lib DC chapter discussing aggregates within FRBR, issues with the 'whole/part' and 'successor' relationships, and the need for ways to share lists of items.