Last modified 20 years ago Last modified on 07/26/05 10:28:30

Using Search

This system has a built-in search engine to allow finding occurrences of keywords and substrings in wiki pages, tickets and changeset descriptions.

Using the search facility is straightforward and its interface should be familiar to most www users.

Apart from the Search module, you will also find a small search field above the navigation bar at all time. It provides convenient access to the search module from all pages.


For intermediate and advanced use, the system has a useful way to quickly navigate to a given resource, named quickjumps.

If you enter a SystemLink in the search field above the navigation bar, the system will recognize this and assume you know where you're going.

For example:

  • [42] -- Opens change set 42
  • !#42 -- Opens ticket number 42
  • !{1} -- Opens report 1

Note: This is a particularly useful feature to quickly navigate to a specific issue ticket or changeset.

Advanced: Disabling Quickjumps

To disable the quickjump feature for a search keyword - for example when searching for occurences of the literal word SystemGuide - begin the query with an exclamation mark (!).

See also: SystemGuide, SystemLinks, SystemQuery