Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 09/20/10 12:42:03

For the time being (17 Sept 2010), this is basically just what you'd get from running doc_menu, 'vso_search' and doc_menu, 'vso_get', but I hope to get a better list of real-world examples up. So, if you have a question about how to do something using the client, contact me, and I'll add to the list:

; Project     : VSO
; Name        : VSO_GET()
; Purpose     : Send a GetData request to VSO
; Explanation : Attempts to download data products corresponding to the
;               metadata from a previous VSO search.  Also returns
;               metadata about the files to be downloaded
; Category    : Utility, Class2, VSO
; Syntax      : IDL> a = vso_get( vso_search( date='2004.1.1', inst='eit' ) )
; Examples    : IDL> meta = vso_search( date='2004.6.5', inst='eit', /FLAT )
;               IDL> wanted = where( meta.wave_min eq 171.0 )
;               IDL> results = vso_get( meta[wanted] )
;               IDL> print_struct, results
;               IDL> hmi = vso_search( '2010.09.01', inst='hmi', /LATEST )
;               IDL> b = vso_get( hmi, /RICE, out_dir='/tmp', filenames=files )
;               IDL> aia = vso_search( inst='aia', wave=304, /LATEST, res=1 )
;               IDL> b = vso_get( aia, /NORICE, site='sao', out_dir='/tmp' )
;               IDL> b = vso_get( vso_search( '2010.09.01', inst='aia', pix=1024, wave=193, $
;                    sample=900 ), /RICE, /FORCE )

; History     : Ver 0.1, 27-Oct-2005, J A Hourcle.  split this out from vso__define
;               Ver 1,   08-Nov-2005, J A Hourcle.  Released
;               Ver 1.1, 21-Nov-2005, Hourcle.  Added /DOWNLOAD flag
;               Ver 1.2, 22-Nov-2005, Hourcle.  Replaced /DOWNLOAD flag w/ /NODOWNLOAD
;               Ver 1.3  18-May-2006, Zarro. Added /NOWAIT and removed VSO_GET
;                        procedure because it confused the compiler.
;               Ver 2    24-July-2008, Zarro (ADNET) - added some error checking
;               Ver 2.1  10-June-2010, Hourcle (Wyle) -- Default to HTTP/1.0
;               Ver 2.2  06-July-2010, Hourcle.  Added /rice flag,
;               warning re: downloads from SHA;   
;               Ver 2.3  21-July-2010, Zarro (ADNET). Changed _EXTRA to _REF_EXTRA
;               Ver 2.4  13-Aug-2010, Hourcle.  Added FILENAMES,EMAIL and SITE keywords
; Contact     :
; Inputs:
;   ARGS : Can be one of:
;     struct[n] : vsoRecord (returned from vso::query())
;     struct[n] : vsoFlatRecord (returned from vso::query(/FLAT))
;     struct[n] : datarequest (you probably don't want this)
; Optional Keywords: (input)
;   METHODS : string[n] : acceptable transfer methods
;   OUT_DIR : string    : directory to download files to
;   PROTOCOL: string    : to adjust the HTTP protocol used (default '1.0')
;   SITE    : string    : the abbreviation of an SDO caching node (see below)
;   EMAIL   : string    : to 'order' data from SHA (they will e-mail where you pick it up)
;   ??      :           : any other input allowed by sock_copy
; Optional Keywords: (output)
;   FILENAMES : string[n] : returns the list of files downloaded
; Flag Keywords:
;   MERGE   : boolean   : if input is vsoRecord or vsoFlatRecord,
;                          will insert URLs into the input structures
;   FORCE   : boolean   : don't prompt for seemingly excessive requests
;   QUIET   : boolean   : work silently (implies /FORCE, as well)
;   NODOWNLOAD : bool.  : don't attempt to download files
;   URLS    : boolean   : override METHODS to only use URL-type transfer methods.
;   NOWAIT  : boolean   : download in background without waiting
;   RICE    : boolean   : request Rice-compressed FITS files from SDO JSOC
;   NORICE  : boolean   : make sure we don't get Rice-compressed files, should the default ever change
;   STAGING : boolean   : prefer 'staged' data, rather than immediate URLs.  (requires EMAIL)

; Output:
;   struct[n] : getDataRecord

; See Also:
;   for more documentation, see
;   see also (w. /URLS flag), and
; The 'SITES' keyword:
;   There are a number of sites building caches for SDO data.  You can
;   try specifying any of the following values, and we will re-route
;   you to them as they become available.
;     NSO   : National Solar Observatory, Tucson (US)
;     SAO  (aka CFA)  : Smithonian Astronomical Observatory, Harvard U. (US)
;     SDAC (aka GSFC) : Solar Data Analysis Center, NASA/GSFC (US)
;     ORB  (aka ROB)  : Observatoire Royal de Belgique (Belgium)
;     MPS   : Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (Germany)
;     UCLan : University of Central Lancashire (UK)
;     IAS   : Institut Aeronautique et Spatial (France)
;     KIS   : Kiepenheuer-Institut fur Sonnenphysik Germany)
;     NMSU  : New Mexico State University (US)